Union Plus
Test Labor Day Page

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Serious CVS Rx savings

Up to $50 off your Rx at CVS

Save or screenshot this card, bring to CVS Pharmacy and get up to $50 off your next Rx.*  No nonsense, just savings.

Show this card to your CVS pharmacist

*Discount applies to the Optum Perks price at time of fill. No cash back on purchase. For one-time use valid at CVS only. Limited time offer expires 12/31/24 but may end at any time. Optum Perks is not insurance and cannot be combined with any insurance copays or benefits. Find pricing at optumperks.com.

Save BIG on hotels
Extra savings unlocked DAILY

10 days of hotels deals

Our biggest sale — your biggest savings! Holiday deals on trending destinations have arrived. We'll be unlocking extra savings daily, so visit each day and look for the red, "BLACK FRIDAY" tag to discover the latest offers!

Union savings sent right to your phone!

Text & save. INSTANTLY!

Sign up for Union Plus text alerts to find out about the latest savings, deals and limited time offers!

Text "PLUS" to 22555 to sign up now!

Text "PLUS" to 22555 to sign up now!

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If I put a link here what will it look like? www.link.com
