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Union Plus

How We're Different

We're committed to unions and focused on helping union members and their families

Union First — It’s How We Do Business

We’re not just another consumer benefit discount program. We’re a nonprofit organization founded in 1986 by the AFL-CIO to provide unique consumer benefits programs exclusively to union members (current and retired) and their families. 

That means our commitment always starts and ends with union members just like you. Whether it’s offering strike and hardship benefits, or just making sure you get the most out of your vacation — we’re always focused on how to improve the lives of working families.

Supporting Union Members and Union Made Products

We’re committed to supporting U.S.-based union workers, union printers and union-made products and offering unique union-needed financial assistance benefits such as strike and other hardship help benefits products. 

Education Scholarships for Union-Strong Students 

Staying strong also means staying committed to contributing to the education of the next generation of union members. Since 1991, the Union Plus Scholarship Program has awarded more than four million dollars to students of working families who want to begin or continue their post-secondary education. To date, over 2,700 families have benefited from our commitment to higher education. 

Union-Focused Hardship Assistance and Financial Security

We believe that supporting our union members through good and bad times keeps our unions strong. We offer an array of unique financial assistance benefits such as our Union Plus Hardship Assistance Grants and Union Plus Disability and Job Loss Grants

Giving Back to the Labor Movement

Union Plus programs help provide royalties that the AFL-CIO and your unions use to fund important legislative, political, organizing and other programs of the labor movement.

Gratitude As Part of Our Commitment

We're committed to improving the quality of life for union members and their families — and that includes during difficult times.

Union Plus staff and international union benefits representatives have worked together on Habitat for Humanity houses in Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Harrisburg, PA; Miami, FL; and New Orleans, LA. Union Plus program providers have contributed over $80,000 in donations to Habitat for Humanity.

In addition, we continue to support our members through initiatives such as the Union Plus Education Foundation and through hardship help assistance such as:

Disaster Relief Grants

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